The Snow Globes

 The Terrace Snow Globes

Terrace Snow Globe

Gazebo Snow Globe

Welcome to the 2024/2025

Snow Globe Season!!!

The Waterfront Snow Globes

The Waterfront Snow Globes are perfect for groups of two to six.

For larger groups, please call us at


(If you really REALLY like each other we may be able to scooch to eight.)

The Snow Globes may be reserved online through our website (above - Reserve a Table) or Google.

There are eight Snow Globes. Four are on the terrace nestled inside the gazebos and while perfect for two people may also fit four. They are smaller and more intimate than the other four globes. Choose Experience 4  - The Gazebo Globes - if you wish to book these. 

The other four are larger and are ideal for parties of two to six/eight. Choose Experience 5 - The Terrace Snow Globes - when booking online for one of these.

The rental fee for Snow Globes is $35.

(Special Occasions such as Valentine's or New Year's are $100.)

Please note that the cancellation policy is as follows: More than 7 days - full refund minus fees charged by the booking platforms. Less than 7 days - we will try our best to find and substitute an alternate time for you.

Reservation times are generally every 2 hours.

If there is a reservation following yours we require a few minutes to ensure it is ready for the next reservation.

Please note that the Snow Globes book at standard times. (For example, if you do not see a 6:00 PM opening....try looking for an opening on either side of that time.

If you are looking for a time outside of these scheduled booking times, please call us directly.

(Please also note that you must ensure you scroll down on the last page when booking and hit the final "RESERVE" button. If you do not receive an email confirming your reservation you are not confirmed.)

We supply blankets and heaters and while it is quite warm and cozy we recommend snow boots are worn for maximum comfort.

Each Snow Globe is equipped with a CD player and a selection of CD's.  You are also welcome to bring your own CD's or a blue tooth speaker and your phone. The possibilities are limitless!

(Musicians could even bring their instruments!) 😊 

 "What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness."

                                                                                           - John Steinbeck

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